The Crow Show
Description: The goal for this project was to find a current local exhibit that features visual work, with lots of ancillary visual and content material. Using the information from the exhibit we were to create a multi-page print deliverable, and digital or environmental navigation deliverables. I chose the Spirit Room gallery in Fargo, North Dakota.
Concept: My concept for this project was to focus on featuring the artwork to spark interest, and gain more publicity for the event. I also centered my design around how inquisitive crows are, and how they have been known to use sticks to draw with. I used the hand drawn lines to carry the viewer through the content, the color purple to allude to the sheen of their wings, and crow feathers to create depth within the pieces. Using these pieces I was able to create a succinct system.
Completed: 2022
Categories: Rebrand design of environmental and interaction.